Know everything about AWS Resource Explorer: Full Guide

AWS Resource Explorer is the new service that AWS has recently launched that make the resource listing process in AWS account easy. AWS has provided this service for free that enable you to easily search for resources that are already arranged within an AWS account. This will help you search for speacific tags and names or you can just list all the resources that Resource Explorer already supports. 

If you are looking for >steps to connect localhost within a Docker Container then refer our blog. 

The below image shows the data of Searches query all over the region that you have selected while enabling the service. 

                                                  Source: >Medium

Know about the process to >download entire S3 bucket. Now that you have enable Resource Explorer and waited at initial waiting time where every indexes are initially created and synced, you will navigate to the central view that showcase the resources within your account:

                                                           Source: >Medium

You can further filter the resources list for instance by tags, resource type, or service in AWS:

                                               Source: >Medium

The queries that are underlined are made up against the central index while you search through the data. This index carries data aggregate from various regions. This implies that all the queries that you run are not cause live “List” or “Describe” calls in every region. This is why, search results are returned fast. 

Advantages of Resource Explorer 

The following advantages will help you understand how you can use this service for your benefit:

  • First and foremost, this service is free-of-cost which bring a perfect alternative to other current resource discovery mechanisms like AWS Config. 

  • If you analyze this service deeply, you will understand that it is built with the support of cross-region. While other AWS services have upgraded this multi-region capabilities afterwards. But you will not find this with AWS Resource Explorer. 

  • The best part about this service is that you can not only access it through AWS Console but also provide API from the very beginning. 

  • Another best thing is that aggregate resource index is updated fast. To test, you can launch an EC2 instance in a separate region other than your aggregate index lives. After launching it, you will see that the EC2 is returned in AWS Resource Explorer search queries in a span of two minutes. 

Disadvantages of Resource Explorer

During the test, we have find two main disadvantages of AWS Resource Explorer. The disadvantages are as follows:

  • As of this writing, Resource Explorer's list of resource kinds is rather small (for more information, click here). You can compare the amount of distinct resource types that various approaches are capable of detecting in the previous blog article. 

  • There is a 36-hour waiting period after initial AWS Resource Explorer enablement until all region-local indexes are operational and have had their data aggregated to the central region. This waiting time won't be a problem for many usage situations. This can take a while when working on AWS security reviews, therefore you might prefer to use different resource discovery strategies.


In conclusion, we can only say that AWS Resource Explorer is the great service that AWS has provided. AWS platform needed such service for the long time. 

AWS will likely continue to develop Resource Explorer in the following ways, in addition to expanding the range of resource types it supports:

  • Integration with AWS Organizations enables the discovery of resources across AWS accounts and regions.

  • Views from Resource Explorer can be shared between accounts, possibly using AWS RAM. Without giving direct access to the original account, this would enable you to view all resources from other AWS accounts.

  • Adding the ability to examine the central index data using SQL-based queries in addition to the current filter feature.

Ritu Singh

Ritu Singh

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