How to use Wildcards to ‘cp’ a File Group with AWS CLI

You can use Wildcards in the AWS CLI commands as the special characters which enable you to create specific patterns in the commands. For example, the cp command is used to copy files from the clouds to the directory and vice-versa. 

 In this article, we have explained how you can use wildcards to a group of files i.e., cp with AWS CLI.  So without further delay, let’s get into the topic. 

How can you use the Wildcards to ‘cp’ a File Group with AWS CLI?

The following steps will help you understand the process.

Step 1: 

Start a local system and open a ‘Terminal.’

                                               Source: >LinuxHint

Step 2:

Cross-check whether you have installed AWS CLI on your system by using the below command:

aws --version

After running the above command, it will display ‘aws-cli/2.11.0’ which is a AWS CLI installed version. 

                                                   Source: >LinuxHint

Step 3:

Use IAM credentials and configure the AWS

aws configure

                                                Source: >LinuxHint

Step 4:

Identify the directory in which the group of files is stored

                                               Source: >LinuxHint

Navigate to the folder and search for a group of files

                                                             Source: >LinuxHint

Step 5:

Now, use the below command for AWS CLI for uploading files on the S3 bucket

aws s3 cp /Users/Lenovo/AWS/File s3://fdxrdfgkhj/prefix/ --recursive --exclude "myapp.html" --include "file-prefix*"

The aforementioned command from the local directory copies all the files and uploads them to the S3 bucket. The wildcard used here will not copy the myapp.html file:

                                              Source: >LinuxHint

Step 6:

Navigate to the S3 dashboard and press on the ‘Buckets’ page

                                    Source: >LinuxHint

Press on the bucket list and open the list:

Go to the ‘prefix/’ folder:

                                                             Source: >LinuxHint

You can see that all the files are copied to the S3 bucket excluding myapp.html which is not included in the wildcard:

                                                       Source: >LinuxHint

Navigate back to the buckets page and press on the Empty button:

                                                         Source: >LinuxHint

Write ‘permanently delete’ and then press on the ‘Empty’ button.

                                                Source: >LinuxHint

Now, click on the ‘Exit’ button. 

Step 7:

The below command will help you to use the wildcards that are included:

aws s3 cp /Users/Lenovo/AWS/File s3://fdxrdfgkhj/ --recursive --exclude "*" --include "myapp.html"

By appending a "*" to the command above, everything was omitted, and only the "myapp.html" file was included:

                                                    Source: >LinuxHint

Only the "myapp.html" file is present in the bucket; other files have been left out.

                                                              Source: >LinuxHint

Ritu Singh

Ritu Singh

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